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Oxford Particle Imaging Centre
Henry Wellcome Building for Genomic Medicine
Roosevelt Drive

General Enquiries

Melissa Matthews
Business Administrator
Tel: +44 (0)1865 287 708

The telephone number for Reception/Front Desk at the Centre for Human Genetics is +44 (0)1865 287500.


Access information

OPIC welcomes visitors from both academia and industry. For academic users (individuals who are not part of the University of Oxford), access can be achieved via:

  1. Instruct-ERIC.  Please apply for access via the Instruct-ERIC website . 
  2. Direct access. Please email us at detailing:
      • Your affiliated group/institution.
      • Your overall scientific question and research interests.
      • Any particular equipment/training you desire at OPIC.

In both instances, we will likely try to arrange a meeting, either online, or in person, to discuss your experimental plan, answer any questions you may have about the facility, and provide advice on how to make the most of our facility.

Internal users are defined as persons who are part of the University of Oxford.